We propose i-Seek, an Intelligent System
for Eliciting and Explaining Knowledge that leverages the
Mind Commonsense knowledgebase in conjunction with domain
specific knowledge in Personal Finance, Technical Help, and Health
domains to act as an advisory system for novice users. Most of the
interfaces are plagued by recurrent key problems: 1) elicitation –
how to ask questions that enable the expert model to make decisions,
and at the same time, are understandable to the novice, and 2)
explanation – how to explain rationale behind expert decisions in
terms that the user can understand. i- Seek maps the user’s goals
and expectations to the corresponding expert model’s attributes as
expressed in domain-specific terms. For example, instead of asking
“What is your risk tolerance?”, where the user might not comprehend
the notion of risk tolerance, i-Seek tries to elicit the same
information by asking a non-direct question such as “Do you usually
buy lots of lottery tickets?”. i-Seek constructs the novice
user model by taking into account the user’s personal information,
interactions history, and the current context.
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