Computing Group publications
How to Wreck a Nice Beach You Sing
Calm Incense. International Conference on Intelligent User
Interfaces, IUI 2005, January 9-12 2005, San Diego. Henry Lieberman,
Alexander Faaborg, Waseem Daher, José Espinosa.
ConceptNet: A Practical
Commonsense Reasoning Toolkit. BT Technology Journal. Kluwer. 2004. Hugo Liu and Push Singh.
Common Sense on the Go:
Giving Mobile Applications an Understanding of Everyday Life.
Technology Journal. Kluwer. 2004. Henry
Lieberman, Alexander Faaborg, José Espinosa, Tom Stocky.
(Web Site)
A Commonsense Approach to Predictive
Text Entry, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI
04), Vienna, Austria. Tom Stocky, Alexander Faaborg, Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
Common Sense Investing: Bridging the Gap
Between Expert and Novice, Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems (CHI 04), Vienna, Austria.
Ashwani Kumar, Sharad Sundararajan,
Henry Lieberman.
What Would They Think? A Computational
Model of Attitudes. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference
on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2004, January 13–16, 2004, Madeira,
Funchal, Portugal. Hugo Liu and Pattie Maes.
Beating Some Common
Sense into Interactive Applications, submitted to the International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2003 (draft). Henry
Lieberman, Hugo Liu, Push Singh, Barbara Barry.
Visualizing the
Affective Structure of a Text Document. Conference on Human Factors
in Computing Systems (CHI 03), Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Hugo Liu, Ted
Selker, Henry Lieberman.
End-User Debugging
for Electronic Commerce, ACM Conference on Intelligent User
Interfaces, Miami Beach, January 2003. Henry Lieberman, Earl Wagner.
Interfaces for E-Commerce Problem Solving, ACM Conference on
Electronic Commerce, San Diego, June 2003. Earl Wagner, Henry Lieberman.
A Model of Textual
Affect Sensing using Real-World Knowledge, International Conference
on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2003). Miami, Florida Recipient of
the Outstanding Paper Award at this
conference. Hugo Liu, Henry Lieberman, Ted Selker.
A Zero-Input
Interface for Leveraging Group Browsing, (with ), ACM Conference on
Intelligent User Interfaces, Miami Beach, January 2003. Taly Sharon,
Henry Lieberman, Ted Selker.
Static and Dynamic
Semantics of the Web, in Spinning The Semantic Web, Dieter Fensel,
James Hendler, Henry Lieberman, and Wolfgang Wahlster, eds., MIT Press,
2003. Christopher Fry, Mike Plusch, Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
Agents for the User
Interface, in Handbook of Agent Technology, Jeffrey Bradshaw, ed.,
MIT Press, 2003. Henry Lieberman, Ted Selker.
Searching the Web
with a Little Help from Your Friends, ACM Conference on
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, New Orleans, November 2002. Taly
Sharon, Henry Lieberman, Ted Selker.
Adaptive Linking
between Text and Photos Using Common Sense Reasoning, Conference on
Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Systems, Malaga, Spain, May 2002.
Henry Lieberman, Hugo Liu.
Robust Photo
Retrieval Using World Semantics, Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference on Language Resources And Evaluation Workshop:
Using Semantics for Information Retrieval and Filtering (LREC2002) --
Canary Islands, Spain. Hugo Liu, Henry Lieberman.
Goal-Oriented Search Engine With Commonsense, Conference on Adaptive
Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Systems, Malaga, Spain, May 2002. This paper
won the award for Best Artificial Intelligence
Paper from AEPIA, Asociación Española para la Inteligencia
Artificial (Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence). Hugo Liu,
Henry Lieberman, Ted Selker.
Out of Many, One:
Reliable Results from Unreliable Recognition, in ACM Conference on
Computer-Human Interface (CHI-2002), Minneapolis, April 2002. Henry
Intelligent Agent
Software for Medicine, in Future of Health Technology, Renata Bushko,
ed., IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2002. Henry Lieberman, Cindy Mason.
Design of User Interfaces by Example (Keynote presentation),
Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces, Valenciennes,
France, May 2002. Henry Lieberman.
Art Imitates Life:
Programming by Example as an Imitation Game, in Imitation in
Nautural and Artificial Systems, Kirsten Dautenhahn and Chrystopher
Nehaniv, eds., MIT Press, 2002. Henry Lieberman.
When Buying On-line, Does Price Really Matter?,
Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
(CHI 2001), Seattle, WA, April 3-5, 2001.
Joan Morris,
Paul Maglio.
Intelligent Profiling by Example,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User
Interfaces (IUI 2001), Sante Fe, NM, January 14-17, 2001.
Sybil Shearin,
Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
Training Agents to
Recognize Text by Example, in ACM Conference on Autonomous Agents
[Agents-99], Seattle, May 1999. Journal of Autonomous Agents and
Multi-Agent Systems, 2000, and in Henry Lieberman, ed. Your Wish is My
Command, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001. Henry Lieberman, Bonnie Nardi ,Dave
(Web Site)
Aria: An Agent for
Annotating and Retrieving Images, IEEE Computer, July 2001, pp.
57-61. Henry Lieberman, Elizabeth Rosenzweig, Push Singh
(Web Site)
Exploring the Web
with Reconnaissance Agents, Communications of the ACM, August 2001.
pp. 69-75. Henry Lieberman, Christopher Fry, Louis Weitzman.
(Web Site)
Interfaces that Give
and Take Advice , in Human-Computer Interaction for the New
Millennium, John Carroll, ed., ACM Press/Addison-Wesley, pp. 475-485,
2001. Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
Your Wish is My
Command: Programming by Example, Morgan Kauffman, San Francisco,
2001. Henry Lieberman (book editor).
(Web Site)
Will Software Ever
Work?, Communications of the ACM, March 2001. Henry Lieberman,
Christopher Fry.
Generalization in Programming by Example, Communications of the ACM,
March 2000. Also in Henry Lieberman, ed. Your Wish is My Command, Morgan
Kaufmann, 2001. Robert St. Amant, Henry Lieberman, Richard Potter, Luke
Sardine: Dynamic Seller Strategies in an Auction
Proceedings of the
Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC '00), Minneapolis,
MN, October 17-20, 2000.
Joan Morris,
Peter Ree,
Pattie Maes.
Impulse: Location-based Agent Assistance,
Software Demos,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents
(Agents 2000), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, June 3 - June
7, 2000.
Jim Youll,
Joan Morris,
Raffi C. Krikorian,
Pattie Maes.
Sardine: An Agent-facilitated Airline Ticket Bidding
Software Demos,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Autonomous Agents
(Agents 2000), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, June 3 - June
7, 2000.
Joan Morris,
Pattie Maes.
Just-In-Time Information Retrieval,
Ph.D. Thesis, MIT Media Lab, May 2000.
Bradley J. Rhodes.
(Gzip-Compressed PostScript)
Negotiating Beyond the Bid Price,
CHI 2000 Workshop
Proceedings: Designing Interactive Systems for 1-to-1 E-commerce,
CHI 2000, April 1-6, The Hague (The Netherlands).
Joan Morris,
Pattie Maes.
Representation and Ownership of Electronic Profiles,
CHI 2000 Workshop
Proceedings: Designing Interactive Systems for 1-to-1 E-commerce,
CHI 2000, April 1-6, The Hague (The Netherlands).
Sybil Shearin,
Pattie Maes.
Margin Notes: building a contextually aware associative
IUI 2000: 2000
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces,
New Orleans, Louisiana, January 9-12, 2000, ACM.
Bradley J. Rhodes.
Programming by
Example, (Introduction and Guest Editor), Special Issue of
Communications of the ACM, March 2000. Henry Lieberman.
Agents to Assist in
Finding Help, ACM Conference on Computers and Human Interface
(CHI-2000), the Hague, Netherlands, April 2000. Adriana Vivacqua, Henry
(Web Site)
Out of Context:
Computer Systems that Learn About, and Adapt to, Context, IBM
Systems Journal, Vol 39, Nos 3&4, pp. 617-631, 2000. Henry Lieberman,
Ted Selker.
(Web Site)
Let's Browse: A Collaborative Browsing Agent,
Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 12, Dec. 1999, pp. 427-431.
Elsevier Science B.V..
Henry Lieberman,
Neil W. Van Dyke,
Adriana S. Vivacqua.
Wearable Computing Meets Ubiquitous Computing: Reaping
the best of both worlds,
The Third
International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC '99),
San Francisco, California, October 18-19, 1999, pp. 141-149.
Bradley J. Rhodes,
Nelson Minar,
Josh Weaver.
Visualizing the Crowds at a Web Site,
CHI '99 Late Breaking Papers, ACM, 1999.
Nelson Minar,
Judith Donath.
(Gzip-Compressed PostScript)
Cooperating Mobile Agents for Dynamic Network Routing,
Software Agents for
Future Communications Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1999,
ISBN 3-540-65578-6.
Nelson Minar,
Kwin Kramer,
Pattie Maes.
Agents for Expertise Location,
Proceedings 1999 AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent Agents in
Cyberspace, Technical Report SS-99-03, Stanford, CA, USA, March
Adriana S. Vivacqua.
Tutorial: Mobile Software Agents for Dynamic Routing,
Mobile Computing and
Communications Review, Vol. 3, No. 2.
Kwin Kramer,
Nelson Minar,
Pattie Maes.
(Gzip-Compressed PostScript)
Butterfly: A Conversation-Finding Agent for Internet
Relay Chat,
Proceedings of the
1999 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces,
January 1999, Redondo Beach, CA, USA.
Neil W. Van Dyke,
Henry Lieberman,
Pattie Maes.
Let's Browse: A Collaborative Web Browsing Agent,
Proceedings of the
1999 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces,
January 1999, Redondo Beach, CA, USA.
Henry Lieberman,
Neil W. Van Dyke,
Adriana S. Vivacqua.
An Auteur in the Age of the Internet: JMS, Babylon 5, and
the Net,
Hop on Pop: the Pleasures and Politics of Popular Culture, Jenkins,
McPherson, and Shattus (eds.), Duke University Press, 1999.
Alan Wexelblat.
Footprints: History-Rich Tools for Information Foraging,
CHI'99 Proceedings, ACM Press, 1999.
Alan Wexelblat,
Pattie Maes.
History-Based Tools for Navigation,
Proceedings of the 32nd Hawaii International Conference on Systems
Sciences (HICSS-32), IEEE Computer Society Press, 1999.
Alan Wexelblat.
Agents that Buy and Sell: Transforming Commerce as We
Know It,
Communications of the ACM, 42, 3 (Mar. 1999), p. 81. P. Maes, R.
Guttman, and A. Moukas.
Personal Assistants
for the Web: An MIT Perspective, in Matthias Klusch, ed.,
Intelligent Information Agents, Springer, 1999, pp. 279-292. Henry
Designing an Ecology of Distributed Agents,
M.S. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Nelson Minar.
Merchant Differentiation through Integrative Negotiation
in Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce,
M.S. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998. Robert H.
Cooperating Mobile Agents for Mapping Networks,
Proceedings of the First Hungarian National Conference on Agent Based
Nelson Minar,
Kwin Kramer,
Pattie Maes.
(Gzip-Compressed PostScript)
Communities through Time: Using History for Social
Community Computing and Support Systems, Toru Ishida (ed.)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1519, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
Alan Wexelblat.
Communities through Time: Using History for Social
Communityware'98: The First Kyoto Conference on Communityware,
Kyoto, 1998.
Alan Wexelblat.
Corporal Ecologies and Population Fitness on the Net,
Journal of Artificial Life, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1998.
Michael Best.
History-Rich Tools for Social Navigation,
CHI'98 Summary, ACM Press, 1998.
Alan Wexelblat.
Memes and Genetic Opposition,
Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Cybernetics,
Association Internat, de Cybernetique, Namur, 1998.
Michael Best.
Memes on Memes: A Critique of Memetic Models,
Journal of Memetics, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1998.
Michael Best.
Research Challenges in Gesture: Open Issues and Unsolved
Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction, Wachsmuth
and Froelich (eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.
1371, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
Alan Wexelblat.
The Wearable Remembrance Agent: A system for augmented
Personal Technologies Journal Special Issue on Wearable Computing,
1:4, pp. 218-224, Springer-Verlag London Ltd..
Bradley J. Rhodes.
(Gzip-Compressed PostScript)
Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce: A Survey,
Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 13:3, June 1998. R. Guttman,
A. Moukas, and P. Maes.
Agent-mediated Integrative Negotiation for Retail
Electronic Commerce,
Proceedings of the Workshop on Agent Mediated Electronic Trading
(AMET'98), Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1998. R. Guttman and P. Maes.
Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce: Issues, Challenges,
and some Viewpoints,
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Autonomous
Agents (Agents'98), Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 9-13, 1998. H. Nwana,
J. Rosenschein, T. Sandholm, C. Sierra, P. Maes, and R. Guttman.
Cooperative vs. Competitive Multi-Agent Negotiations in
Retail Electronic Commerce,
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Cooperative
Information Agents (CIA'98), Paris, France, July 3-8, 1998. R.
Guttman and P. Maes. (PDF)
Agents as Mediators in Electronic Commerce,
International Journal of Electronic Markets, Vol. 8, No. 1,
February 1998. R. Guttman, A. Moukas, and P. Maes. (PDF)
Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce: An MIT Media
Laboratory Perspective,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce
(ICEC'98), Seoul, Korea, April 1998. A. Moukas, R. Guttman, and P.
A PDA-based Agent System for Comparison Shopping,
Proceedings of the European Conference on MM & E-Commerce,
Bordeaux, France, September 1998. G. Zacharia, A. Moukas, R. Guttman,
and P. Maes.
Integrating User
Interface Agents with Conventional Applications, Knowledge-Based
Systems Journal, Elsevier, Volume 11, Number 1, September 1998, pp.
15-24. ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, San Francisco,
January 1998. Henry Lieberman.
Beyond Information
Retrieval: Information Agents at the MIT Media Lab, Kunstliche
Intelligenz German Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 1998. Henry
The Wearable Remembrance Agent: A system for augmented
Proceedings of The
First International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC '97),
Cambridge, MA, USA, October 13-14, 1997, pp. 123-128.
Bradley J. Rhodes.
(Gzip-Compressed PostScript)
Challenger: A Multiagent System for Distributed Resource
Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents,
Marina Del Ray, California, 1997. Anthony Chavez,
Alexandros G. Moukas,
Pattie Maes.
Cultural Evolution and Units of Selection in Replicating
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 188, No. 1, 1997. R.
Michael Best.
How is the National Information Infrastructure like a
The Future of the Internet, Charles Cozic (ed.), Greenhaven Press,
Alan Wexelblat.
Models for Interacting Populations of Memes,
Journal of Memetics, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1997.
Michael Best.
Models for Interacting Populations of Memes: Competition
and Niche Behavior,
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Artificial Life,
Michael Best.
Using History to Assist Information Browsing,
RIAO'97: Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval on the Internet,
Montreal, 1997.
Alan Wexelblat,
Pattie Maes.
Results from a Multi-Agent Electronic Marketplace
Poster Proceedings of Modeling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent
World (MAAMAW'97), Ronneby, Sweden, May 1997. R. Guttman, P. Maes,
A. Chavez, and D. Dreilinger.
A Real-Life Experiment in Creating an Agent Marketplace,
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Practical
Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology (PAAM'97),
London, UK, April 1997. A. Chavez, D. Dreilinger, R. Guttman, and P.
Software Agents and Soft Computing: Towards Enhancing
Machine Intelligence,Springer,
1997, pp. 160-179. H. Nwana and N. Azarmi, eds.
A Multi-Scale,
Multi-Layer, Translucent Virtual Space, IEEE International
Conference on Information Visualization, London, September 1997.
(Web Site)
Introduction and
Guest Editor, Special Issue on Debugging and Software Visualization,
Communications of the ACM, April 1997. Henry Lieberman
Debugging and the
Experience of Immediacy, Communications of the ACM, April 1997.
David Ungar, Henry Lieberman, Christopher Fry.
Autonomous Interface
Agents, ACM Conference on Human-Computer Interface CHI-97, Atlanta,
March 1997. Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
ZStep 95: A
Reversible, Animated, Source Code Stepper, in Software
Visualization: Programming as a Multimedia Experience, John Stasko, John
Domingue, Marc Brown, and Blaine Price, eds., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
1997. Henry Lieberman, Christopher Fry.
(Web Site)
Agents with Faces: The Effect of Personification,
5th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication,
Tsukuba, Japan, November 1996.
Tomoko Koda.
PHISH-Nets: Planning Heuristically in Situated Hybrid
M.S. Thesis, MIT Media Laboratory, August 1996.
Bradley J. Rhodes.
Amalthaea: Information Discovery and Filtering using a
Multiagent Evolving Ecosystem,
Proceedings of the Conference on Practical Application of Intelligent
Agents and Multi-Agent Technology, London, 1996.
Alexandros G. Moukas.
Kasbah: An Agent Marketplace for Buying and Selling Goods,
Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Practical
Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology,
London, UK, April 1996. Anthony Chavez,
Pattie Maes.
Remembrance Agent: A continuously running automated
information retrieval system,
Proceedings of The First International Conference on The Practical
Application Of Intelligent Agents and Multi Agent Technology,
London, UK, April 1996, pp. 487-495.
Bradley J. Rhodes.
Agents with Faces: A Study on the Effects of
Personification of Software Agents,
M.S. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996.
Tomoko Koda.
Agents with Faces: The Effects of Personification of
Proceedings of HCI'96, London, 1996.
Tomoko Koda,
Pattie Maes.
File-Access Characteristics of Parallel Scientific
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Vol. 7,
No. 10, 1996. N. Nieuwejaar, D. Kotz, A. Purakayastha, C.S. Ellis,
Michael Best.
The ALIVE System: Wireless, Full-Body Interaction with
Autonomous Agents,
ACM Multimedia Systems, Special Issue on Multimedia and
Multisensory Virtual Worlds, ACM Press, Spring 1996.
Pattie Maes,
T. Darrell,
Bruce Blumberg,
A. Pentland.
(Unix-Compressed PostScript)
Instructible Agents:
Software That Just Keeps Getting Better, IBM Systems Journal, Volume
35, Nos. 3 & 4, 1996. Henry Lieberman, David Maulsby.
(Web Site)
Graphics: A New Paradigm, Communications of the ACM, August 1996,
Special Issue on New Paradigms for Using Computers. Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
Hearing Aid: Adding
Verbal Hints to a Learning Interface, ACM Multimedia Conference, San
Francisco, October 1995. Henry Lieberman, Elizabeth Stoehr.
The Visual Language
of Experts in Graphic Design, IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages,
Darmstadt, Germany, September 1995. Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
Interaction is the
Key to Machine Learning Applications, Workshop on Machine Learning
for Interactive Applications, International Conference on Machine
Learning, Tahoe City, California, July 1995. Henry Lieberman.
Bridging the Gap
Between Code and Behavior in Programming, ACM Conference on
Computers and Human Interface [CHI-95], Denver, April 1995. Henry
Lieberman, Christopher Fry.
(Web Site)
Artificial Life meets Entertainment: Lifelike Autonomous
Communications of the ACM, Special Issue on New Horizons of
Commercial and Industrial AI, Vol. 38, No. 11, November 1995.
Pattie Maes.
Pronomes in Behavior Nets,
Learning and Common Sense Section Technical Report #95-01, MIT Media
Laboratory, November 1995.
Bradley J. Rhodes.
Gesture in Intelligent Interfaces,
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver, Canada, October
Alan Wexelblat.
Analysis of Natural Gestures at the User Interface,
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI),
September, 1995.
Alan Wexelblat.
Intelligent Software,
Scientific American, Vol. 273, No. 3, pp. 84-86, September 1995.
Pattie Maes.
Letizia: An Agent That Assists Web Browsing,
Proceedings of the 1995 International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Montreal, Canada, August 1995.
Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
Multi-Level Direction of Autonomous Creatures for
Real-Time Virtual Envoronments,
Computer Graphics Proceedings, SIGGRAPH-95, Los Angeles,
California, August 1995.
Bruce Blumberg,
Tinsley Galyean.
Virtual Reality: Applications and Explorations,
Academic Press Professional, hardcover July 1993, paperback July 1994,
CD-ROM July 1995.
Alan Wexelblat.
Clustering and Information Sharing in an Ecology of
Cooperating Agents,
Workshop Notes of
the AAAI '95 Spring Symposium on Information Gathering from Distributed,
Heterogeneous Environments, Stanford University,
California, March 1995.
Lenny Foner.
Clustering and Information Sharing in an Ecology of
Cooperating Agents -or- How to Gossip Without Spilling the Beans,
Proceedings of the
1995 Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy,
Burlingame, California, March 1995, Student Scholarship Paper Winner.
Lenny Foner.
Do the Right Things...Oh Not That!,
Workshop Notes of the AAAI '95 Spring Symposium on Interactive Story
Systems, Stanford University, California, March 1995.
Bruce Blumberg,
Tinsley Galyean.
The Stage as a Character: Automatic Creation of Acts of
God for Dramatic Effect,
Workshop Notes of the AAAI' 95 Spring Symposium on Interactive Story
Systems: Plot and Character, Stanford University, California, March
Bradley J. Rhodes,
Pattie Maes.
The Design and Implementation of an Explicitly Moded
Interface for Business Professionals,
ACM interactions, Vol. 1, No. 4.
Alan Wexelblat.
Powers of Ten
Thousand: Navigating In Large Information Spaces, Conference on User
Interface Software Technology, Marina del Rey, California, November
1994. Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
Integrating Code and
Data Visualization, CHI Workshop on Software Visualization, Boston,
May 1994. Henry Lieberman, Christopher Fry.
Techniques for Instructible Interface Agents, AAAI Workshop on
Software Agents, Stanford, CA, March 1994. Henry Lieberman.
A User Interface for Knowledge Acquisition from Video,
Proceedings of AAAI '94 Conference, Seattle, Washington, August
Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
Action Selection in Hamsterdam: Lessons from Ethology,
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Simulation
of Adaptive Behavior, Brighton, England, August 1994.
Bruce Blumberg.
Collaborative Interface Agents,
Proceedings of AAAI '94 Conference, Seattle, Washington, August
Yezdi Lashkari,
Max Metral,
Pattie Maes.
Natural Gesture in Virtual Environments,
ACM Virtual Reality Systems and Technologies (VRST'94), August
Alan Wexelblat.
Agents that Reduce Work and Information Overload,
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 37, No. 7, July 1994.
Pattie Maes.
Evolving Visual Routines,
Proceedings of Artificial Life IV Conference, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, July 1994. Michael P. Johnson,
Pattie Maes,
Trevor Darrell.
(Gzip-Compressed PostScript)
Paying Attention to What's Important: Using Focus of
Attention to Improve Unsupervised Learning,
M.S. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Lenny Foner.
A Feature-Based Approach to Continuous-Gesture Analysis,
SM Thesis, MIT Program in Media Arts and Sciences, May 1994.
Alan Wexelblat.
A Learning Approach to Personalized Information Filtering,
M.S. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994. Beerud Sheth.
Attaching Interface Agents to Applications,
unpublished draft.
Henry Lieberman.
Modeling Adaptive Autonomous Agents,
Artificial Life
Journal, C. Langton, ed., Vol. 1, No. 1 & 2, MIT Press,
Pattie Maes.
Social Information Filtering for Music Recommendation,
M.S. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994. Upendra
Graphical Annotation
as a Visual Language for Specify Constraint Relations, IEEE
Symposium on Visual Languages, Bergen, Norway, Sept. 1993. Henry
(Web Site)
Making Programming
Accessible to Visual Problem Solvers, in Watch What I Do:
Programming by Demonstration, Allen Cypher, ed., MIT Press, 1993. Henry
(Web Site)
Tinker: A
Programming by Demonstration System for Beginning Programmers, in
Watch What I Do: Programming by Demonstration, Allen Cypher, ed., MIT
Press, 1993. Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
The Reality of Cooperation,
Virtual Reality: Applications and Explorations, Wexelblat (ed.),
Academic Press Professional, July 1993.
Alan Wexelblat.
Mondrian, a Teachable Graphical Editor,
Watch What I Do,
Allen Cypher, ed., MIT Press, 1993.
Henry Lieberman.
What's an Agent, Anyway? A Sociological Case Study,
white paper.
Lenny Foner.
1992 and Before
Dominoes and
Storyboards: Beyond Icons on Strings, IEEE Conference on Visual
Languages, Seattle, September 1992. Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
Capturing Design
Expertise Interactively by Example, in Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 1992. Henry Lieberman.
(Web Site)
A Generic Learning Interface Architecture,
Bachelor's Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992. Max
Giving Meaning to Place: Semantic Dimensions,
Cyberspace, Michael Benedikt (ed.), MIT Press, 1991.
Alan Wexelblat.
How to Do the Right Thing,
Connection Science Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3., 1989, also MIT
AI-Memo #1180.
Pattie Maes.