Clicking on an Agent Icon brings up a window (News Window) for browsing through
the news articles retrieved by that agent (see figure ).
In the left half of the News Window are the titles of the articles selected
by the agent. The color code of the agent which retrieved the articles, is used
as the background color for the list of titles. To the left of to each document
title is a small bargraph indicating the score assigned to it by the agent.
The titles are sorted in decreasing order of these scores.
To read the content of the article, the user clicks on the appropriate title. This brings up the text of the article in the right half of the news window. Scrollbars are provided to scroll through both the list of article titles, as well as the text of the article. Two kinds of fonts are used while displaying the list of article titles. Titles in ``Bold'' font indicate unread articles, while titles in ``Normal'' font indicate articles that have been read by the user. Clicking on the agent again, will make the corresponding News Window to disappear from the screen.
Some pre-created Agent Icons are provided along with the system. These display
anthropmorphic cartoonish characters on the screen in various poses. The agent
is ``alert'' when its News Window is currently open on the screen and is ``asleep''
otherwise. It makes a ``thumbs-up'' gesture when given positive feedback (figure
and ``thumbs-down'' when given negative feedback. In addition, the user is given
the option of creating her own icons, if required. This is required when creating
new agents and is explained in Section