Next: Displaying Profiles
Up: The Graphical User
Previous: Adding New Agents

The interaction described above should suffice for most users most of
the time. However, the user also has complete access to the internal
state of the agent and can modify any state variables governing the
behavior of the agent. On the one hand, this involves more work to
make the necessary changes. On the other hand, direct access provides
a better understanding of the agent's behavior and greater control
over it.
An agent is modeled as a population of competing profiles which compete for
the user's attention by presenting articles. The population of profiles can
be viewed by SHIFT-clicking (while the SHIFT key is pressed, click the mouse)
on the appropriate Agent Icon. This brings up a window (Population Window) displaying
the population of profiles that make up the agent (see figure
This window allows access to the population level features of the system. The
Population Window displays the population of profiles. Each icon (Profile Icon)
represents the profile and the scale adjoining it indicates its fitness. The
fitness of a profile can be modified by manipulating this scale.
There are a number of operators provided in the lower section of the
window. These operators allow the user to manipulate the members of
the population.
- A blank profile can be introduced into the population by using the ``Add''
operator. A blank profile must be initialized immediately (see Section
This is because if no newsgroups are specified to be searched the profile
would not be able to find any candidate articles. As a consequence, it would
not receive feedback either.
- A member of the population can be eliminated by choosing the
``Kill'' operator.
- A ``mutated'' variant of a profile X can be added to the population
by choosing operator ``Mutate'' and selecting profile X. Mutation
modifies the set of newsgroups that a profile searches for articles.
It does so by introducing a randomly selected newsgroup, similar to
the newsgroup being replaced.
- Two profiles can be crossed over by exchanging some of the fields
between them. This gives rise to two offspring profiles. This can be
done by clicking the button labeled ``Xover'' and then selecting the
two profiles to be crossed over.
- Instead of manipulating individual profiles, users can modify the
whole population altogether. The next generation of the population is
generated by retaining a certain number of the fit profiles,
eliminating the rest and filling in the vacancies by genetic variants
of the fit ones. This can be done by choosing the ``doNextGen''
Next: Displaying Profiles
Up: The Graphical User
Previous: Adding New Agents