Admissions > UROP Admissions
UROP Admissions
The Software Agents group hires UROPs for
design, implementation and testing of software applications on a variety
of platforms. All UROPs are officially supervised by
Dr. Henry Lieberman but it is the
graduate students who will hire you and for whom you will be working.
How to Apply
After you've decided for which current
openings (listed above) you wish to be considered, please send a single
email message to the addresses listed. Please include
the following information:
- Your interests
- Your previous background (Prior
hands-on experience is more important than what classes you've taken)
- Which projects you wish to be
considered for
- Your year and academic major
- If you've held previous UROPs, the
names and email addresses of your previous supervisors
- The URL of your resume, or attach it
to the email
Here's what not to do:
- Please don't call; it's easier for
everyone to do this over email
- Please only reply to the email
addresses listed with the openings, so your message is seen by the
right people and is properly handled.