Junia Anacleto junia@dc.ufscar.br
Sabbatical visitor 2006-2007
Projects: Common Sense in Different Languages and Cultures Common Sense for Educational Applications
Edward Shen edward@media.mit.edu Projects: Storied Navigation What am I Gonna Wear Your Memory, Connected
Dustin Smith dustin@media.mit.edu Projects:
The Joy of Knowledge Acquisition
Spatial Commonsense
Rob Speer rspeer@mit.edu Projects:
Open Mind Commons: Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition for Analogy
Projects: -ConceptNet -Aria: An Agent for Integrated Annotation and Retrieval of Images -Emotus Ponens -MakeBelieve: Interactive Computer Story Generation -Goal-Oriented Web Search User Interfaces
Projects: -Architectures for Commonsense Reasoning -X-Net Knowledge Bases -Friendly Knowledge Capture -Learning Common Sense -Applications with Common Sense
Catherine Havasi havasi@media.mit.edu Brandeis University
Open Mind Commonsense
Open Mind Commons
Software Agents Group Alumni