Projects: -A Goal-Oriented User Interface for Personalized Semantic Search -A Commonsense Approach to Predictive Text Entry -Using Commonsense Reasoning to Enable the Semantic Web -Anticipating User Tasks Using Commonsense Reasoning -Using Commonsense Reasoning in Video Game Design -Using Commonsense Reasoning to Improve Voice Recognition -Real Time Searches on a Local Social Network -GloBuddy 2
Projects: -Reducing Complexity in Consumer Electronic Interfaces -Using Commonsense Reasoning to Detect Cultural Differences in Text -Using Commonsense Reasoning in Video Game Design -Using Commonsense Reasoning to Improve Voice Recognition -GloBuddy 2
Projects: -i-Seek: An Intelligent System for Eliciting and Explaining Knowledge -Commonsense Investing: Bridging the Gap between Expert and Novice
Projects: -A Commonsense Approach to Predictive Text Entry
Earl J. Wagner ewagner[at] Project: -Woodstein
Giorgos Zacharia lysi[at] Projects: -Kasbah -PDA@Shop -Reputation Mechanisms